Threejs Shaders (GLSL) Crash Course For Absolute Beginners

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    Visionary 3D
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22,609 Ratings
Learn how to create stunning visuals with Threejs Shaders (GLSL) in this crash course for absolute beginners. Get an introduction to shaders, GLSL language, vertex shader, fragment shader, dot product, useful GLSL functions, how to draw stuff and more. Follow along with the instructor and gain the skills to create amazing visuals.
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Course Overview

❗The content presented here is sourced directly from Youtube platform. For comprehensive course details, including enrollment information, simply click on the 'Go to class' link on our website.

Updated in [July 20th, 2023]

This course provides an overview of Threejs Shaders (GLSL) for absolute beginners. It covers 95% of what you need to know about shaders, including how shaders work, GLSL language, vertex shader, fragment shader, dot product, useful GLSL functions, how to draw stuff and more. The course is divided into several chapters, including Shader Explanation, Shader Setup, GLSL Basics, Attributes and Uniforms, Model View Projection, UVs and Normals, Varyings, Mindset, Useful GLSL Functions, Dot Product, The Fresnel Effect, Drawing Patterns, Importing Textures, Cool Desaturation Effect, and Final Project. Links to relevant resources are provided throughout the course.

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Pros & Cons
  • Free and easily accessible
  • Clear and understandable explanations
  • Lack of advanced content
  • Limited availability of tutorials
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