History of Mental Illness

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    Abnormal Psychology Specialization
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4,935 Ratings
This course explores the history of mental illness, from its discoveries and classifications to its treatments and lived experiences. We will examine four kinds of mental illness: neurasthenia, depression, attention deficits (ADD/ADHD), and narcissism. We will investigate the cultural dynamics that have shaped psychiatric science, such as ideals of individual happiness, conceptions of 'normal', and existing social, gender, and racial hierarchies/biases. We will also look at the lived experiences of those who were diagnosed or living with the condition, and critically reflect on the world of psychopathology and its place in the world. We will ask questions about the forces behind increases in mental illness, racial and gender biases in research and treatment, and the prospects of neurodiversity.
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Course Overview

❗The content presented here is sourced directly from Coursera platform. For comprehensive course details, including enrollment information, simply click on the 'Go to class' link on our website.

Updated in [May 30th, 2023]

Welcome to the History of Mental Illness course! In this course, we will explore the history of mental illness, from its scientific discoveries and classifications to its treatments and lived experiences. We will also examine the cultural influences on psychiatric science, such as ideals of individual happiness, conceptions of what is ‘normal’, and existing social, gender, and racial hierarchies/biases. Through this course, you will gain a better understanding of the world of psychopathology and its implications in the world.

Possible Development Paths:
Completing this course can open up a variety of career and educational paths. For example, you may choose to pursue a career in mental health, such as a psychologist, psychiatrist, or social worker. You may also choose to pursue a degree in psychology, psychiatry, or social work. Additionally, this course can provide a foundation for further research in the field of mental health.

Related Learning Suggestions:
To further your knowledge in the field of mental health, you may consider taking courses in psychology, psychiatry, and social work. Additionally, you may consider reading books and articles on mental health topics, such as depression, anxiety, and attention deficit disorder. You may also consider attending conferences and seminars related to mental health. Finally, you may consider joining a support group or seeking out a mental health professional for further guidance.

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Pros & Cons
  • Interesting subject matter.
  • Thoroughly enjoyed the course.
  • Very informative.
  • Hard to understand lecturer.
  • Confusing presentation.
  • No course on Autism.
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