Power and Foreign Policy in International Relations

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  • Start Date
    12th Jun, 2023
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  • Instructor
    Sreeram Sundar Chaulia
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This Power and Foreign Policy in International Relations course provides an in-depth exploration of how power matters in international relations and how it affects the strategies and tactics of nation-states. It covers concepts such as what constitutes power in world affairs, how it is calculated, and how the international power configuration changes over time. Through case studies of contemporary great powers, middle powers, and small powers, students will gain a better understanding of current developments and trends in foreign relations from different regions of the world. Students will also learn about foreign policy approaches and decisions of nation-states, based on world news events of recent times, to gain insight into the essence of world politics and anticipate future international orders.
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Course Overview

❗The content presented here is sourced directly from Coursera platform. For comprehensive course details, including enrollment information, simply click on the 'Go to class' link on our website.

Updated in [August 13th, 2023]

Skills and Knowledge Acquired:
This course will provide students with the skills and knowledge to understand the concept of power in international relations, how it is calculated, and how it affects the strategies and tactics of a nation-state in dealing with other nation-states. Students will gain an understanding of foreign policy, its constituent elements, strategies, and activities. Through case studies of contemporary great powers, middle powers, and small powers, students will gain an understanding of current developments and trends in foreign relations from different regions of the world. Additionally, students will be able to analyze foreign policy approaches and decisions of nation-states, based on world news events of recent times, and anticipate future international orders.

Contribution to Professional Growth:
This course contributes to professional growth by providing students with an understanding of how power matters in international relations and how it affects the strategies and tactics of a nation-state in dealing with other nation-states. Through case studies of contemporary great powers, middle powers, and small powers, students will gain a deeper knowledge of current developments and trends in foreign relations from different regions of the world. This knowledge will help students to better anticipate the future international orders to come, and equip them with the skills to make informed decisions in their professional lives.

Suitability for Further Education:
This course is suitable for preparing further education. It introduces concepts about power in world affairs, how it is calculated, and how the international power configuration changes over time. It also provides case studies of contemporary great powers, middle powers, and small powers, which will help students to gain a better understanding of current developments and trends in foreign relations. The examples of foreign policy approaches and decisions of nation-states will also help students to anticipate the future international orders to come.

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