International Relations 1815-1914

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    Thomas Rogers
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This course on International Relations from 1815 to 1914 provides an in-depth look at the major turning points that have shaped our world. Starting with Europe in a state of destruction after the Napoleonic Wars, the course explores the economic, social and political challenges that arose from that point onwards and how they were addressed by the Great Powers. Topics covered include the Eastern Question, the Alliance System, Imperialism and Colonisation, and Anglo-German rivalry. With video lectures, screen casts, downloadable sources, cartoons, written documents and more, this course is accessible to all and provides the stretch and challenge to really make you think. By the end of the course, you will have developed a good knowledge and understanding of the period which you can apply to any form of academic study. If you have an interest in History, this course is for you!
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Course Overview

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Updated in [August 13th, 2023]

Skills and Knowledge Acquired:
By taking this course, students will acquire a comprehensive understanding of the major turning points that have shaped the world from 1815 to 1914. They will gain knowledge of the Eastern Question, the Alliance System, Imperialism and Colonisation, and Anglo-German rivalry. Additionally, students will develop skills in analysing and interpreting a variety of sources, such as video lectures, screen casts, cartoons, written documents, and more. Furthermore, they will be able to test their understanding of the material through end-of-unit quizzes.

Contribution to Professional Growth:
This course contributes to professional growth by providing a comprehensive overview of International Relations from 1815 to 1914. It covers a wide range of topics, such as the Eastern Question, the Alliance System, Imperialism and Colonisation, and Anglo-German rivalry. Through video lectures, screen casts, downloadable sources, written documents, and end-of-unit quizzes, students gain a deep understanding of the period and its impact on the world. This course provides the opportunity to develop a good knowledge and understanding of the period, which can be applied to any form of academic study.

Suitability for Further Education:
This course is suitable for preparing further education as it provides detailed and varied content, including video lectures, screen casts, downloadable sources, written documents, and end of unit quizzes. It covers International Relations over a 100 year period, giving students a real understanding of the major turning points that have shaped our world. Themes covered include the Eastern Question, the Alliance System, Imperialism and Colonisation, and Anglo-German rivalry. The course is very accessible to all, but also provides the stretch and challenge to really make students think. By the end of the course, students should have developed a good knowledge and understanding of the period which they can apply to any form of academic study.

Course Syllabus

Course Introduction

The Great Powers in 1815

The Eastern Question 1815-1856

The Eastern Crisis 1875-1878

Anglo-German Rivalry 1890-1914

Imperialism and Colonisation; "The Scramble for Africa" 1870-1914

The Alliance System 1870-1914

Academic Essays


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