From International Relations to Global Politics

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    16th Feb, 2015
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This course offers an in-depth exploration of International Relations and Global Politics. It examines the major theories of International Relations, the key sub-fields of international politics, and the current practices of global politics. Students will learn to understand critically international affairs, analyse major international events, interpret the position of key international players, and ultimately play actively the global political game. The course covers topics such as realism, liberalism, marxism, constructivism, foreign policy analysis, international political economy, security studies, globalization, institutional framework of global governance, and current reality of global politics. Classes will be integrated with internet hang-outs centered on current events, as well as different kinds of exercises and tests. Basic knowledge of international history and current affairs is required.
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Course Overview

❗The content presented here is sourced directly from ThaiMOOC platform. For comprehensive course details, including enrollment information, simply click on the 'Go to class' link on our website.

Updated in [August 13th, 2023]

Skills and Knowledge Acquired:
This course will provide students with the skills and knowledge to understand international affairs, analyse major international events, interpret the position of key international players, and actively participate in the global political game. Students will gain an understanding of the major theories of International Relations, the key sub-fields of international politics, and the current practices of global politics. This includes an examination of the theories of realism, liberalism, marxism, and constructivism, as well as the key concepts in foreign policy analysis, international political economy, and security studies. Additionally, the course will explore the context of globalization, the institutional framework of global governance, and the current reality of global politics with its risks and opportunities.

Contribution to Professional Growth:
This course provides an in-depth exploration of the major theories of International Relations, the key sub-fields of international politics, and the current practices of global politics. Through the study of realism, liberalism, marxism, and constructivism, the student will gain an understanding of foreign policy analysis, international political economy, and security studies. Additionally, the course will provide an analysis of the context of globalization, the institutional framework of global governance, and the current reality of global politics with its risks and opportunities. Through the integration of internet hang-outs centered on current events, as well as different kinds of exercises and tests, the student will be able to understand critically international affairs, analyse major international events, interpret the position of key international players, and ultimately play actively the global political game. This course will contribute to professional growth by providing the student with the necessary knowledge and skills to understand and engage in global politics.

Suitability for Further Education:
This course is suitable for preparing further education as it provides an in-depth examination of the major theories of International Relations, the key sub-fields of international politics, and the current practices of global politics. It covers topics such as realism, liberalism, marxism, constructivism, foreign policy analysis, international political economy, security studies, globalization, and the institutional framework of global governance. The classes are integrated with internet hang-outs centered on current events, as well as different kinds of exercises and tests. By the end of the course, the student will be able to understand critically international affairs, to analyse major international events, to interpret the position of key international players, and in the ultimate analsysis to play actively the global political game. Basic knowledge of international history and current affairs is required.

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