Useful Genetics Part 2: Genes and Genetic Inheritance

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    Rosemary Redfield
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191 Ratings
This course provides an in-depth look at the role of genetics in the 21st century. It covers topics such as genetic inheritance, genetic testing, and the implications of genetic technology. By the end of the course, students will have a better understanding of the current and future implications of genetics.
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Course Overview

❗The content presented here is sourced directly from Edx platform. For comprehensive course details, including enrollment information, simply click on the 'Go to class' link on our website.

Updated in [March 06th, 2023]

What skills and knowledge will you acquire during this course?
By the end of this course, students will acquire skills and knowledge in genetics that will enable them to address current and future genetic issues. The course focuses on the impact of genetics on health and well-being, providing a comprehensive examination of genetics principles similar to a college-level course. Part 2 of the course consists of 5 modules and a final exam. Students will learn about the inheritance of genes from parents to children and gain an understanding of what traits are inherited from ancestors. They will also develop the ability to analyze family relationships and evaluate and explain claims about controversial topics such as GMOs and epigenetics.

How does this course contribute to professional growth?
This course on genetics, specifically Part 2: Genes and Genetic Inheritance, contributes significantly to professional growth. It equips individuals with the necessary knowledge and skills to address genetic issues in various professional settings. The course covers essential topics such as the passing of genes from parents to children and the inheritance of traits from ancestors. This understanding enables professionals to analyze family relationships accurately. Additionally, the course provides the ability to evaluate and explain claims related to controversial topics like GMOs and epigenetics. By completing this course, individuals will be well-prepared to handle current genetic challenges and effectively tackle future genetic issues that may arise.

Is this course suitable for preparing further education?
This course is suitable for preparing further education as it provides a comprehensive understanding of genetics principles and their impact on health and well-being. It covers topics such as gene inheritance, family relationships, and controversial issues in genetics. By completing this course, students will be well-equipped to handle genetic issues in various fields, including further education.

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