Principles of Genetics

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    8th Jan, 2023
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As a four-credit undergraduate course designed for all life science students, the course aims to provide a foundation for understanding genetics and inheritance, including the major concepts and processes involved. The course covers topics such as the history of genetics, Mendelism, chromosome theory of inheritance, allelic variation and gene function, gene interactions, linkage and crossing over, extranuclear inheritance, and sex determination. The course also includes practical applications of genetic principles in day-to-day life. The course is designed to enhance students' knowledge and skills in genetics and enable them to independently investigate genetic problems using literature and analyses of empirical data. By the end of the course, students will be able to communicate the principles, theories, problems, and research results associated with genetics to specialists and laymen orally and in writing.
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Course Overview

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Updated in [March 20th, 2023]

Foundational knowledge of genetics and heredity
The course provides a solid understanding of the fundamental principles of genetics, including heredity and inheritance. Learners will gain knowledge of genotype and phenotype, genetic variation, and the norms of reaction. They will also learn about the history of genetics and the pre-Mendelian concepts that led to the development of the science.

Understanding of gene interactions and variation
Learners will acquire knowledge of the various gene interactions, including complementary, supplementary, epistasis, and non-epistatic gene interaction. They will also learn about the different types of inheritance patterns in humans, such as sex-linked, autosomal, mitochondrial, and unifactorial.

Application of genetics principles in daily life
The course provides learners with the skills to apply genetics principles in their everyday lives. They will learn about the inheritance of acquired characteristics, genotype and phenotype, and environmental factors in heredity. Learners will also acquire knowledge of genetic problems related to Mendel's principles and chromosomal theory.

Understanding of sex determination and genetic diseases
The course covers sex determination and hormonal control, including the molecular basis of sex determination and dosage compensation in Drosophila and humans. Learners will also acquire knowledge of the fundamentals of diagnosing genetic diseases and the role of extranuclear inheritance, such as organelle heredity and maternal effect.

Independent investigation of genetic problems
The course enables learners to conduct independent investigations of genetic problems using literature and analyses of empirical data. They will learn to communicate principles, theories, problems, and research results associated with genetics to specialists and laymen orally and in writing.

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