Free Environment Concept Art Course

Environment concept art - What I think about when designing a location
Youtube 55,827 learners
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Discover the secrets behind creating captivating environments in video games with the "Environment Concept Art - What I Think About When Designing a Location" course. Led by a renowned concept artist who has worked on popular games like Fortnite, Overwatch, and League of Legends, this course provides a quick overview of the key considerations for designing interesting environments. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced artist, this course offers valuable insights and techniques to enhance your skills. Don't miss this opportunity to learn from a industry expert. Enroll now and unlock your creative potential!
How to Paint Environment Concept Art ( Start to Finish )
Youtube 6,059 learners
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Learn the step-by-step process of creating stunning environment concept art in this comprehensive course. In just two hours, you'll master digital painting techniques and gain valuable insights into sketching, blocking in colors, working with light and values, adding details and textures, and more. Plus, you'll receive a free brush pack with over 40 brushes to enhance your artwork. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced artist, this course is a must-watch. Subscribe now and unlock your creative potential!
Creating Environment Concept Art for Games With Asim A Steckel
Youtube 2,421 learners
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Learn how to create stunning environment concept art for games with Asim A Steckel in this 3-hour workshop. Using Photoshop, 3D-Coat, and Octane for Blender, Asim will guide you through the entire process, from initial research to a fully fleshed-out environment concept art piece. Gain a deep understanding of the needs and goals of other departments in a game studio, as well as the technical restrictions. By following this workshop, you will not only learn production-proven techniques and Asim's personal painting process, but also gain insights into other aspects that affect your art. Start your free trial to The Gnomon Workshop training library today and take your creative skills to the next level.
Environment Concept Art Process ( Digital Painting Tutorial )
Youtube 284,120 learners
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Discover the secrets of creating stunning environment concept art with this engaging digital painting tutorial. In just two hours, you'll learn the step-by-step process of sketching linework, adding vibrant colors, working with light and values, incorporating textures and foliage, and adding captivating background and characters. Plus, you'll receive a free brush pack with over 50 brushes to enhance your artistic skills. Don't miss out on this opportunity to take your digital painting to the next level. Subscribe now and join the creative community on Instagram. Thank you for watching!
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