The Worldview of Thomas Berry: The Flourishing of the Earth Community

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  • Start Date
    24th Jul, 2023
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  • Instructor
    Mary Evelyn Tucker and John Grim
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Thomas Berry's worldview was a unique combination of evolutionary sciences and cultural traditions, which he used to articulate a "new story" of the universe and its potential for a flourishing future. His work was a pioneering voice in the environmental crisis, inspiring moral sensibilities and a new way of looking at the world.
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Course Overview

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Updated in [March 06th, 2023]

This course will provide an overview of Thomas Berry’s life and thought, and explore his insights into cosmology as a context for locating the human in a dynamic unfolding universe and thus participating in the creative work of our times. It will examine his ideas of the New Story, the Great Work, and the emerging Ecozoic era. In particular, we will explore Berry’s reflections on renewal and reform in the areas of ecology, economics, education, spirituality, and the arts. Through this course, students will gain an understanding of Berry’s worldview and its implications for our current environmental crisis. They will also gain an appreciation of the importance of cosmology in understanding the human place in the universe.

This course provides an opportunity to explore Thomas Berry's worldview and its implications for the flourishing of the Earth community. Participants will gain an understanding of Berry's ideas and how they can be applied to their own lives and work. Suggestions for application include: engaging in conversations about the New Story of the Universe, exploring the implications of the Great Work for one's own life, and developing a deeper understanding of the Ecozoic era and its implications for the future. Additionally, participants can apply Berry's insights to their own work in ecology, economics, education, spirituality, and the arts.

[Career Paths]
Job Position Paths:
1. Environmental Scientist: Environmental scientists are responsible for studying the environment and its effects on humans, animals, and plants. They use their knowledge of the natural sciences to develop solutions to environmental problems. They may also work to develop new technologies and policies to protect the environment. Environmental scientists are in high demand as the world faces increasing environmental challenges.

2. Environmental Educator: Environmental educators are responsible for teaching people about the environment and how to protect it. They may work in schools, universities, or other educational institutions to teach students about the environment and its importance. They may also work in the community to educate people about environmental issues and how to reduce their environmental impact.

3. Environmental Policy Analyst: Environmental policy analysts are responsible for researching and analyzing environmental policies and regulations. They use their knowledge of the environment and the law to develop policies that protect the environment and promote sustainability. They may also work to develop new policies and regulations to address emerging environmental issues.

4. Environmental Activist: Environmental activists are responsible for advocating for environmental protection and sustainability. They may work with local, state, and federal governments to promote environmental policies and regulations. They may also work with non-profit organizations to raise awareness about environmental issues and to organize campaigns to protect the environment.

[Education Paths]
Recommended Degree Paths:
1. Environmental Studies: Environmental studies is an interdisciplinary field that focuses on the relationship between humans and the environment. It combines elements of the natural sciences, social sciences, and humanities to explore the impact of humans on the environment and the ways in which the environment affects humans. This field is growing in popularity as the global environmental crisis becomes more pressing, and it is an ideal degree path for those interested in Thomas Berry's worldview.

2. Religious Studies: Religious studies is an interdisciplinary field that examines the beliefs, practices, and history of various religious traditions. It is an ideal degree path for those interested in Thomas Berry's worldview, as he was a historian of world religions and explored the implications of religious cosmologies for addressing the environmental crisis.

3. Ecology: Ecology is the scientific study of the interactions between organisms and their environment. It is an ideal degree path for those interested in Thomas Berry's worldview, as he was an early voice awakening moral sensibilities to the environmental crisis and explored the implications of the evolutionary sciences for creating a flourishing future.

4. Sustainable Development: Sustainable development is an interdisciplinary field that focuses on the development of economic, social, and environmental systems that are resilient and sustainable. It is an ideal degree path for those interested in Thomas Berry's worldview, as he articulated the need for the moral participation of the world religions in addressing environmental issues and explored the implications of cultural traditions for creating a flourishing future.

Course Syllabus

Welcome to The Worldview of Thomas Berry: the Flourishing of the Earth Community

Learn what this course is about, who's teaching it, and other ways you can explore this topic. Meet and greet your peers as well!

Introduction - Thomas Berry as Cultural Historian

Mary Evelyn and John talk about their first encounters with Thomas Berry.

Thomas Berry’s Study of World Cultures and Religions

Thomas Berry was a scholar of Earth’s cultures; someone who inspired others to understand that the scientific story of the universe was a primary revelation, on the part with the world’s religions, and needing to be integrated with world’s cultures.

Influence of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

Learn how Pierre Teilhard de Chardin inspired Thomas Berry. Discover Special Relativity as a way of showing the omnipresence of the “within.”

“The New Story”

Thomas Berry’s Differentiation, Subjectivity, and Communion as the overall guidance the New Story provides for humanity.

Cosmology and Ecology

The Great Work and the Ecozoic Era

Thomas Berry's notion of the human as being derivative of the Earth Community: a primary governing principle for moving into the ecological era.
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Pros & Cons
  • Insightful and inspiring
  • Respectful of religious views
  • Eyeopening and transformational
  • Enhances understanding of context
  • Call to action from the future
  • Good speaking and teaching style
  • Exceeded expectations
  • Skepticism towards approach
  • Doesn't agree with everything
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