Best Corrections Program

BA Homeland Security
Waldorf University
Waldorf's Bachelor of Arts in Homeland Security is designed to provide an in-depth background related to Department of Homeland Security practices. Waldorf's B.A. program focuses on strategies to protect the American homeland, including prevention, planning, and response measures related to terrorist threats.
BA Homeland Security
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Bachelor of Science in Correctional Program Support Services
University of Phoenix
Lock in tuition while you earn a Bachelor of Science in Correctional Program Support Services with our Tuition Guarantee at University of Phoenix. Coursework prepares you to help people involved with the criminal justice system. Study case management, mental health and social psychology.
Bachelor of Science in Correctional Program Support Services
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Your online degree selection significantly influences your career path, income prospects, and ob opportunities. Details on degree costs and earnings provided below can aid your search for the right online program.
MBA Master's $17k - $19k $75k - $77k
NURSING Associate, Bachelor's, Master's $12k - $17k $65k - $89k
BUSINESS MANAGEMENT Associate, Bachelor's, Master's $12k - $19k $51k - $92k
LAW Associate, Bachelor's, Master's $15k - $20k $80k - $90k
COMPUTER SCIENCE Associate, Bachelor's, Master's $13k - $19k $59k - $123k
ENGINEERING Associate, Bachelor's, Master's $11k - $17k $65k - $119k
PUBLIC HEALTH Associate, Bachelor's, Master's $12k - $17k $46k - $76k
PSYCHOLOGY Associate, Bachelor's, Master's $10k - $17k $43k - $70k
ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Associate, Bachelor's, Master's $15k - $20k $69k - $122k
FINANCE Associate, Bachelor's, Master's $11k - $18k $50k - $107k
SOCIAL WORK Associate, Bachelor's, Master's $6k - $19k $33k - $58k
ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE Associate, Bachelor's, Master's $8k - $17k $57k - $85k
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